
Deployed App

Github Page

Github Organization


This application was made to mirror the lumisight app that UH uses for daily covid checkups with all of its capabilities. This means that the Covid-Sight app needs to allow users to do a daily check-up, upload vaccine status, have a log in, and a clear vaccination status update. Additionally, in this app, there is a check up history and the ability to edit the history.


My contribution to this project concerns with the daily check-up status. This part concerns with the check-up page, and the check-up history page. Therefore I need to take into consideration today’s date and the status of a person dependent on them click yes or no. I also dealt with the UI of these pages, it looks appealing to the eye and works with mobile capability. Below are images of the pages that I had worked on.

Health Check-in

When click on the health icon on the nav bar on the left-hand side or the “Check Your Symptoms” button one the home page, it will redirect you to the page to the page where you can do a daily check up, by simply just pressing yes or no on the page saves the daily check-in to a collection and saves the check-in for today. This data may be viewed in the history page which is the next page I worked on

Check-in History

When clicking “History” on the home page, it will redirect you to the history page. This page lists all of the check-ins that have been done on a particular account, along with the day, time and condition that the user was in when a check-in was submitted. From here, the edit button redirects to the Health Check-in page but it updates the row that edit was clicked in, this page does not create a new submission.

The Experience

This was a pretty good warm-up exercise for the coming HACC and Meteor Hackathon, I believe that this provides a good foundation for teamwork with one another. Along with team building, I was also able to warm-up on JSX and general Meteor because it has been a while since I touched either. There was also a point where I got stuck on something in the project and a teammate was able to provide some help for me and got me pass the problem that I got stuck on. This experience was not stressful but rather something tantamount to exercising, it was not difficult, it was not easy, and it was something good for me. I was also able to gain some more knowledge in UI and improving the design of a website due to the input given by a teammate.

The Organization GitHub Page associated with this project can be found here.