
Deployed App

Github Page

Github Organization


Animoo is a social media application where users can identify their favorite shows and save them to their profile. They can also add their friends and family so that they can also know what their friends and family like to watch. This is supposed to bridge the social gap created by the COVID-19 pandemic. This application was made for the Meteor Hackathon event for my ICS491 class.


Unfortunately my commits did not make it in time to be on the master as I tried to hook up meteor package called Meteor Socialize, but when I tried working on that it did not work out too well. Then I went on to create my own collection for this project, but it was not working out too well either and I did not want to commit to master unfinished code. The branch that I had worked on was in user-profile and one of my teammates tried to help me with the friend collection but we could not finish before the demo date presentation time. However, I can show what I did so far.

User-profile Page

On the User-profile page you can edit information about yourself such as name, biography, and picture. Here on the user-profile you are supposed to see what kinds of shows that you liked. The liked shows come from the anime list, and once you click the like button from that page you are able to see it on your profile for your friends and family to see. In addition to what was said, you may also see a list of friends and what people on your friend’s list liked once you click on their name on your profile.

The Experience

Due to the time constraint of this Hackathon, I could not contribute something of substrance to the master, but this motivates me to work extra hard on the HACC which I will be participating once it opens. I did enjoy working with my teammates and I hope they enjoyed having me too. We all met up and researched about this very interesting meteor package called meteor socialize. Although none of us could figure out things to pick out from the meteor socialize package to use in our code, it did give insight about how we should go about adding in something like a friends collection. I also very much enjoyed creating the demo video (to access this video you need a email) with my teammates, and although we did not win I believe that we had an amazing time debugging our code. In the future, it would also be smarted to do smaller commits so that I can push my progress to master sooner so that other people in my team can use it as well.

The Organization GitHub Page associated with this project can be found here.